Tools used for exploiting Windows:

- [Exploitation]( : Windows Software Exploitation

- [hacking-team-windows-kernel-lpe]( : Previously-0day exploit from the Hacking Team leak, written by Eugene Ching/Qavar.

- [mimikatz]( : A little tool to play with Windows security - extract plaintexts passwords, hash, PIN code and kerberos tickets from memory.

- [Pazuzu]( : Reflective DLL to run binaries from memory

- [Potato]( : Privilege Escalation on Windows 7,8,10, Server 2008, Server 2012

- [UACME]( : Defeating Windows User Account Control

- [Windows-Exploit-Suggester]( : This tool compares a targets patch levels against the Microsoft vulnerability database in order to detect potential missing patches on the target. It also notifies the user if there are public exploits and Metasploit modules available for the missing bulletins.


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